Grant Title: *
Submission Date:*
Date Funds Required: *
Number of students and/or teachers to benefit: *
Grade(s): *
Amount Requested:*
1. Description of project/event:*
2. How does this project enhance the curriculum?*
3. Itemized project budget (please list itemized costs and describe funds received from other sources, if any):*
4. What method(s) of evaluation of the success of the project will you employ? How will you inform parents, staff, and community members of how this project was funded?*
Name(s) of Applicant:*
Position or Title of Application Contact: *
Phone Number(s):*

Please note:

Only a written application is necessary for a Micro Grant. No

in-person presentation to the Grant Committee is required for

grant applications under $750.

It is critically import that we receive photos and/or a video

of the grant in action. These materials will aid EFKA in sharing successful

projects with the community. When appropriate, final projects, reflections

and/or thank you notes from students would also be appreciated. 

Please submit grant application to your Principal for approval

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We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.