Grant Title: *
Number of students and/or teachers involved: *
Grade involved: *
Amount of grant:*
1. Please provide a brief description of how the grant money was used.*
2. Describe how this project/grant impacted your students, staff, current curriculum, and/or your instruction?*
3. Did this project fulfill your expectations? What, if anything, would you do differently and why? *
4. How did you inform parents of how this project was funded?*
Name(s) of Applicant:*
Position or Title of Application Contact: *
Phone Number(s):*

Please note: It is critically import that we receive photos and/or a video

of the grant in action. These materials will aid EFKA in sharing successful

projects with the community. When appropriate, final projects, reflections

and/or thank you notes from students would also be appreciated.

Because such documentation may be used for EFKA’s website and/or in

other types of media, prior to submission, you must check with your school’s

secretary/administrator to ensure that the subject or author of any such

documentation has granted 'permission to publish’. 

Please submit grant application to your Principal for approval

Principal: *
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