About Us
“When one sees the enthusiasm and engagement of students and teachers, that is the best test of success.”
Ted Damon
he mission of the Education Foundation of the Kennebunks and Arundel is to work with the schools of RSU 21 to inspire and ignite young minds by funding creative and innovative programs for students and professional development for teachers and other staff.
We inspire and ignite:
- Experiential learning.
- Leadership and entrepreneurship.
- Enthusiastic lifelong learners.
- Student aspirations through creativity and curiosity.
- Risk-taking.
- Teachers through professional development.
The Education Foundation of the Kennebunks and Arundel (EFKA) is dedicated to enhancing academic excellence in grades K-12 in the public schools of Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, and Arundel. EFKA works in partnership with administrators, teachers and community members to help provide students with inspiring, creative and innovative programs. For every dollar raised, 84 cents is spent on grants for K-12 students and staff.
EFKA is an independent, charitable 501(c)(3) organization, governed by an unpaid Board of Directors. EFKA has no office space or paid staff; all work is conducted by volunteers including young people, parents, grandparents, and other individuals—both active and retired, both year-round and part-year residents.
EFKA raises private funds from residents and other generous individuals and from area businesses and non-profits. Everything we accomplish on behalf of our children is made possible by our communities’ generous gifts of time and money.
EFKA accomplishes its mission through grant-making and other initiatives that celebrate learning. Grants are of two types. Professional development grants aim to enhance knowledge and application of best practices in education. Grants for student programs aim to increase students’ ability to succeed in the 21st century economy by supporting hands-on learning and cutting-edge ideas.
History & Founder
Ted Damon, founder
August 5, 1929 – May 25, 2020

In 2005 all field trips in the Kennebunk school system were canceled due to a lack of funds. Funding for in-school projects was curtailed with some teachers using their own money for classroom projects. The towns of Falmouth and Cape Elizabeth, feeling the same constraints, had established independent organizations to financially support their schools called ‘education foundations’. When visiting Cape Elizabeth Education Foundation, they quickly and generously brought us up to date on how to start an education foundation.
To get closer to the Kennebunk situation, Ted Damon (then age 76) was allowed to enroll as a Freshman student for a school year. He attended classes, participated in classroom discussions, read the books, etc. Damon found that teachers and students were seeking ways to be more fully engaged in learning through hands-on, experiential, real-world, creative experiences.
With four former United Way associates, we formed the foundation in 2006 with the objective of helping teachers to fund field trips and classroom projects. We found many parents willing and ready to chip in financially to support the effort – that remains true to this day. Most of the 300 projects the Foundation has funded originate with teachers and some with the District administration. There is a mini-volunteer bureaucracy with no paid staff to support a disciplined management process with committees and a Board of Directors that meet monthly, funding $90,000 – $100,000 annually for 20-30 projects. The school Superintendent and 2 staff are active non-voting members of the 15 member Board of Directors. While the Ed Foundation remains an independent organization from the school district, it always works very closely to support it.
Ted passed away on May 5, 2020. While his presence is missed, his spirit and legacy will continue to spark creativity for the students, teachers, and staff of the RSU21 school district.
Board of Directors
The efforts of the EFKA are primarily driven by five volunteer-based committees. We have no paid staff so volunteers from the local community are the lifeblood of the foundation. We’re grateful to each and every volunteer who contributes time, effort and professional services. Without them, we could not ignite the creative spark in the schools of RSU21.
Jennifer Foy President
Kirsten Camp Treasurer
Mandy Nelson
Jennifer Hass
Christian Babcock
Harpswell Coffin
Jameson Smith
Alice Eagelson
Matt Shinberg District Representative
Paul Rasmussen District Representative
we seek
The Year In Review
Click. Download. Review.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Education Foundation of the Kennebunks and Arundel— EFKA— is an independent, non-profit, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization founded in 2006 to enrich the public schools in the Kennebunks and Arundel. The Foundation helps foster innovation, creativity, and academic excellence by channeling private funds into areas that fall outside the school budget.
- Brings new ideas, pilot programs, people, and opportunities into the schools.
- Funds enrichment programs for students that engage, challenge, inspire, and prepare them for the 21st century.
- Funds professional development for RSU#21 staff.
- Builds community awareness of accomplishments occurring in the schools.
- Supports innovative ideas by providing feedback, encouragement, networking assistance, and financial support to individuals submitting proposals.
- Combines the ability to work within the school system with the capacity to raise public monies.
Since June 2006 the Foundation has invested more than $1,000,000 in the six schools of Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel. Grant funds were provided for student enrichment and professional development.
The EFKA’s mission is to enhance educational excellence. The Board continues to focus funding on creative and innovative programs for students K-12.
- The EFKA’s mission is focused on programs that strengthen educational excellence, and requests for EFKA grants are assessed against established criteria. The PTAs’/PTOs’ broader mandates enable them to fund not only academic programs but also important non-academic items such as emergency communications equipment and playground structures.
- The EFKA serves all six RSU#21 schools, whereas the schools are served by four separate PTAs/PTOs.
- The EFKA raises funds from individual donors, businesses and foundations. The PTAs/PTOs raise funds through membership dues and through social events designed to increase parent involvement in the public schools.
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors who meet monthly. We have no office space or paid staff. All work is conducted by volunteers. EFKA has four committees, which meet monthly. Interested volunteers may serve on a committee, work on special events, or contribute in another capacity.
86% of Foundation funds go directly to grants for educational programs and professional development. We remain committed to directing the maximum amount of our funds to programs. We have no paid staff or office space.
The Foundation makes total grants of $80,000 to $100,000 each year.
Shrinking federal and state funding over the last fifteen years has posed significant challenges to public education, severely limiting the opportunities to fund innovative and creative programs.
Funds are raised from generous individuals, business sponsors, private foundations, and community members by direct appeals and through community-wide educational and social events